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AP 3 Savage Tide Adventure Path PDF | Dungeons & Dragons | Wizards Of The Coast

6/7/ · Savage Tide has one massive problem: the details of the initial setting (Sasserine) are done extremely well and it makes the game falter once you leave its environs. We got about half-way through the AP before abandoning it. The first couple of adventures were great, because you had the potential of a lot of intrigue and role-playing, but once you set sail for the Isle of Dread, we found Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Savage Tide Adventure Path. This campaign assumes your starting character is a Sasserine native, and as such you can expect to know a fair amount in advance about the city. This booklet presents everything you’ll need to know about your new home town, from an exhaustive list of every major shop and tavern to the names of famous locals and the rumors currently circulating in the streets and AP 3 Savage Tide Adventure - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free.3/5(2)

savage tide adventure path pdf download

Savage tide adventure path pdf download

h e first savage tide has watched. taking pride in the ruin they. T already touche d the mortal world. Unl eash ed from the cruel heart of a shadow pearl.

the had wrought. Now, after a th ousand years, the savage tide is about to return. Yet this time, the doomjyill not be lim- tide swept over an an cient civilization.

ited to one hapless city. This time, all transforming th e citizens of a proud of civilization waits unknowing on the city into feral. can n ibal istic fiends. The sho re. blissfully ignorant ofwhat the hateful architects of the savage tide tide is ab out to bring in. s¥~;:tuA, -r: ff-u, 7d ;It,. After he r parents recently perished in a freak accident, she in herited a large number of debts along with the rest ofthe esta te. Yet her real problem is n ot financial, but personal Her younger brother Vanthus h as fallen in with a bad cro wd: thi eves, cutthroats, and smugglers.

Lavini a needs the pes to hel p track down her brother, but they soon find that he's the worst ofthe bunch-it was at his lurid that the elder vanderborens peri savage tide adventure path pdf download. Vanthu s now stan ds at the center of the Lotus Drag on savage tide adventure path pdf download, a violent and deadl y thieves' gu ild that has recen tly ascended to a position of savage tide adventure path pdf download in Sasserine's un derworl d.

Th e PCs m ust defeat this guild before its m embers and their aquati c allie s stage a violent cou p agains t the city government. Unfort unately, even as th e PCs defeat the Lotu s Dragons; vanth us slips away to pu rsu e a new plan. Unbekriownst to vanthus. this blac k pearl is actually a powerful artifact known as a shadow pearl, a sinister device capable of tran sforming civilizaton into savager '.

Unfortunately, vanthus's attempt to bluff the captain fail ed, an d h e and his hired thugs were caugh t in a frantic ba tt le with the pirates.

Duri ng the batt le, the shadow pearl th e p irates were sm u ggling was acciden tally lriggered, and many ofthe pirates and bandits were driven mad and transformed into monsters by the resulting savage tide.

With the pearl gone, Vanthus ~d his surviving allies took advantage of the chaos to hija ck one of th e pirate ships an d flee the area. Seethi ng with rage at the att ack, the captain sent hi s first ma te a brutish half-orealong with a large group ofbullywug barbarians, into Sasserine to kill Vanthus's family and savage tide adventure path pdf download hi s home to the ground in revenge. The pe s fight their way through a h orde ofsavage m utants only to discover that Vanthus is gone and Lavin ia is in grave danger.

They m ust race back to Sasserl n e to protect Lavinia and he r home from the attack. Fearful that Vanthus may be h eading to this colony. an d knowing th at the colonists need supplies, sh e offers th e pe s a new job. With th eir newly captured ship, the pe s accompany Lavini a on a dan gerou s, 3, m ile sea voyage south to the Isle of Dread.

Along th e way; they're forced to deal with murderous stowawa ys, a perilous side trek to th e ru ined city ofTam oachan where th e pe s first come 10 th e atte ntion of the current Queen of Succubi, MaJ. canthet1 strange isla nds with stranger inhabitants, and a swath ofsargasso weed inhabited by something h ungry.

On the eve oftheir arrival, a fierce storm hits and th e PCs' shi p is separated from Lavinia's ship-at this adventure's climax, they run aground on the northeastern shore ofthe Isle ofDread. e ~,? Along the way they are hou nd ed by monsters.

dinosaurs, ter- ror birds, bad weather, savage tide adventure path pdf download omens, and treache ry and madness amo ng th eir own ran ks. Additionally, they are stalked by a mysterious creature that torments th em an d pick s off their NPC fellows one by one. This creature is in fact a bar- lgrua demon, exiled from the island's in teri or an d looking for victims to eat.

Event ually, the PCs discover the dem on 's lair- an an cient hidden sh rine dedicated to Dem ogorgon, the bestial Prince of Demon s. As the adventure en ds, th e PCs rea ch the colony to find it under atta ck by a Crims on Fleet pirate ship! Greer 8{ Gary Holian The pes defend the colony from the pirate ship and are reunited with Lavinia and their other friends, who tell them that-a larger fleet ofpirate ships is scheduled to make a full-out attack on the colo ny in a mere two months' time.

fu order to prepare for this assault. the PCS m ust n ot only aid in bu ilding up the colony's defenses, but must explore the Isle ofDread to discover new resources and form alliances "With local tribes to help them repel the coming pirate attack. The adventure en ds with a J large assault on the colony by the Crimson Fleet -if th e p e s found enough resources and made enough allies, they'll win the day.

But not be fore a "final " confrontation with vanthus, now a captain ofa pirate ship and a half-fiend a template he gained as part of an in itiation into the inner ranks ofthe Crimson Fleet. c'f~ 2J'fvtl'v. Wesley Schneider 8 James Sutter The PCs learn that the Crimson Fleet has been buying shadow pearls in large quantities from a source on the northern shore of the Isle ofDread thrY call the "Lords ofDread," and that according to their schedule.

a new shipment of these powerful weapo nssho uld be r eady for pickup soon. Upon investigating. the PCs stumble upon the true masters of the isle-aquatic monstrosities known as the koprus. The PCs are swiftly caught up in a subterranean war between koprus and aboleths, savage tide adventure path pdf download, and eventually Jearn th savage tide adventure path pdf download the kopru leadersjand sou rce of the shadow pearls live within an ancient temple fOtmd ato p a mesa at the heart of the Isle ofDread.

By defeating this stronghold and slaying Demogorgon's aspect. theycan put a stop to the shadow penrl production, but unfortunately, they discover that a large number ofthe pearls have already been sent to the pira tical city of'Scuttlecove-cthe home port ofthe Crimson Fleet. Duri ng thi s adventure, Lavinia hears rumors that her bro the r has r eturned to life. She sets out for Scuttlecove to save her br oth er, even th ough she sus- pects the rumors are a trap. Of course, it is in deed a tra p-cvanth u s, returned to unlife by his demoni c patron Demogorgon, wants to make a final attempt to capture his hated sister and subj ect her to the same pr ocedure that turned him into a half-fien d.

by Keith aker The PCs travel to Scuttlecove, savage tide adventure path pdf download, home port ofthe Crimson Fleet to search for Lavinia and to learn the pirates' plan for the shadow pearls.

Scuttlecove is a vile and treacherous place,one that the Pes will need to enter and explore discretely. After they arrive, they find the safehouse is compromised; claimed by a group of yuan-ti assas- sins. The PCS clear out the safehouse and discover that Lavinia has been captured by the Crimson Fleet.

After several adventures in the city, they find the location ofthe Crimson Fleetheadquar - ters, savage tide adventure path pdf download, where they learn that Lavinia has been transported to the Abyss to Demogorgons realm ofGaping Maw. Theyalso discover that the pirates have already smuggled dozens of shaOOw pearls into as many cities throughout the world.

Demogorgon intends to trigger a massive savage tide so he can siphon the unleashed rage into his realm. The only wayt o stop this plan would be to disrupt the ceremony itself on the Abyss. Finally,the pe s discover that Vantbus has a device that allows him to sail his ship from the seas of the Material Plane Into the mysterious AbYSM sian Ocean.

The pes steal a duplicate gate engine and use it on their own ship to travel to the Abyss in search of Lavinia. by Sean K Reynolds In this adventure, the pes fin ally get a chance to defeat their n em esis Vanthus, now a dangerousdeath knight minion of Demogorgon, once-and for all. Using th e stolen Bate cnEine, savage tide adventure path pdf download, they sail into the Abyssian Ocean, an d eventual ly re ach Demcgorg on's realm-Gaping Maw. There, they must infil trate a remote prison where Vanthus keep s his sister captive.

Demogorgon has promi sed to transform her into a half- fiend once hi s plan for the shadowpearls has come to fruition. For now, Vanth us waits h ere for savage tide adventure path pdf download reward, guarding his sister and bickering with the wardens of the prison. They know they have to stop him, but savage tide adventure path pdf download know how.

They do learn that they need to go to a desolate prison layer called the Wells of Darkness to find someo ne who knows about Demogorgon's weakness -the exiled demon quee n of succubi, Shami-Amourae, savage tide adventure path pdf download. lJ""C, "M. Reaching Shami- Amou rae's prison involves a dangerou s trek across the Abyss, and when the pe s finally do reach her, they may be forced to make some difficult decisions to learn what she knows- that Dem ogorgon's greatest strength is also his greatest weakness.

He is a creature oftwo minds, and as such, he is his own worst ene my. SAVAGE -- - -- TIDE PREVIEW savage tide adventure path pdf download. r" wherein th ey tra vel th e planes to organize '" allegiances again st Demogorgon and.

recover artifacts they'll nee d to. J eaken him. By attacki ng the Prince ofDem ons at. several fronts and by using the information and secrets they've gained from Shami- Am ouraethey force Demogorgon to divide his resources so that only a fraction ofh is defens es remain to oppos e the Pes in th e last adventure.

During th e cours e ofthis adventure, the pe s m. a y: Secure the aid of O rcu s, Malcanthet, or other demon lords in launching f attacks on Gapi ng Maw, savage tide adventure path pdf download. V Speak to Morwel. queen ofth e eladrin, and request aid from her court, savage tide adventure path pdf download. Recover th e Iron flask ofTumey the Merciless to capture several of Demogorgon's key minions. Track down an d speak to the Witch- - Qu een Iggwilv to benefit from her dem oni c lore and advice.

Sabotage an outpost on another plan e that Demogorgon uses to stockp}}e supplies and retrievers. J ~ PA-i. eughan In the final adventure, the PCs set into m otion th e variou s elements of their attack on Gaping Maw. Once Demogorgon is distra cted, they can invade the complex wherein he intends to trigger the savage tide. Although the Prince ofDemons's armies-are for ced to spread their resources thin, savage tide adventure path pdf download, the PCs still face serious opposition in thi s adven tu re, and in the end they'll need to fight Demogorgon himsel£ If savage tide adventure path pdf download y've done well, th ey'll face a CR 23version of him, alon g with several savage tide adventure path pdf download his allies.

If the ir p reparations failed, they' ll be faced with a much mo re deadly inc arnation of th e Prince of Demons, one th at even a gro up of aot h-level characters m ight not be able t o defeat. Tb re Is No Honor ~,-- ~ he first savage tide has already touched the mortal world, yet none. T who live today recall thi s time of red ruin. Unleashed from the cru el heart ofa fell seed known as a shadowpearl, this savage tide swept over an ancient city perched atop the savage tide adventure path pdf download of a remote island.

The tide trans- fanned beggar and noble, merchant and thief, resident and visitor into feral, ravenous fiends.

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Savage tide adventure path pdf download

savage tide adventure path pdf download

Savage Tide - Adventure - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free.5/5(5) 6/7/ · Savage Tide has one massive problem: the details of the initial setting (Sasserine) are done extremely well and it makes the game falter once you leave its environs. We got about half-way through the AP before abandoning it. The first couple of adventures were great, because you had the potential of a lot of intrigue and role-playing, but once you set sail for the Isle of Dread, we found Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Download & View Dungeon & Dragon Magazines Savage Tide Adv Path And Campaign as PDF for free. More details. Words: 19,; Pages: ; Preview; Full text; Savage Tides Campaign Level 19 Enemies of My Enemy Intro to Savage Tides Level 20 Prince of Demons Sasserine Sasserine Map and Ship Plans Savage Tidings The Sea Witch Rag The Adventure Begins Level 1 There is No Honor

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